As the complexity of HPC applications increases, the management of memory
and threading scopes becomes increasingly important. Tools like Intel
Inspector are crucial in this context, to effectively identify and resolve
a wide array of memory errors and thread synchronisation issues.
The RSE team in ITS Research has had a busy few years since we started sharing
our work in this blog. In this post we look at some highlights of recent
activity and what we have to look forward to.
Polytomous variables can be used to model data that has two or more possible
outcomes. For example, a survey with multiple-choice questions is polytomous.
The R package, poLCA, does
statistical clustering of polytomous variables. For example, grouping together
survey results that are similar to each other.
The NAG Fortran compiler, like other compilers, has diagnostic capabilities
which can help us write correct and portable Fortran programs. In this post
we'll look at these, comparing with those of the GCC and Intel compilers,
and see how the compiler can be a valuable tool when developing or maintaining
Fortran code.
Once we've written a program more advanced than our
"Hello, world!" example,
we're going to make mistakes. In this post, we'll look at how we can use the
very compilers we're using to compile our program to pick up on some of these
Hello! I am Sherman and I have just joined the
RSE team at
Queen Mary. Glad to meet you all!
My background is in computational statistics and machine learning. I have
completed projects in rainfall prediction, defect detection for 3D printing and
Markov chains using Monte Carlo. These projects involved collaboration with
various scientists, such as meteorologists, engineers and statisticians.
Over the past year, researchers from QMUL's William
Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) have engaged on a collaborative code review
club. Through this collaborative effort the group aims to peer review the
computational components of their research and provide code quality
assurance to all involved researchers. Additionally, the Research
Software Engineering group of ITS Research has been assisting the group with
knowledge transfer and by participating in the review process.
Research Software London is a community to support
the use and development of research software in London and the South East.
Since 2019, RSLondon has run a number of
Software Carpentry workshops to
teach introductory computing skills to researchers. ITSR have been involved
in these efforts, providing instructors and helpers at each of these workshops.
When it comes to picking a distribution, Python programmers are spoilt for
choice. We're going to compare two of the most popular (CPython and Anaconda)
and one that promises big performance improvements with relatively little
hassle (Intel Distribution for Python).
Jigsaw puzzles proved wildly popular during lockdown, but they weren't all
done on the dining room table on rainy afternoons. The puzzle faced by
researchers from the School of English and Drama (SED), lead by
Dr Richard Coulton and in
collaboration with the Natural History Museum, was
to piece together a set of beautiful botanical watercolours brought back from
China by the East India Company surgeon James Cuninghame. Cuninghame
purchased these works, by an unknown local artist, in Xiamen in 1699. Sometime
in the first half of the eighteenth century, perhaps because of their large
size, these watercolours were cut up and glued into what you ungenerously,
call a scrap book. The British Library has lovingly digitised this book in a
series of
high resolution images funded by Oak Spring Garden Foundation, who also
sponsored the current project.