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Tier 2 Announcement

QMUL have access to powerful Tier 2 (formerly known as Regional) HPC resources, predominantly for EPSRC researchers. If you run multi-node parallel code (using MPI, for example), you will likely benefit from using the Tier2 clusters.

Deprecated openmpi 2.0.2-gcc module

We identified a problem with the openmpi/2.0.2-gcc module and have removed it as the correct interface was not being used for the MPI communication between nodes. This resulted in potentially much slower communication and consequently jobs taking longer to run.

Programs should be rebuilt against the other available openmpi modules which correctly select the Infiniband interconnect as default for communication. Recent users of this module have been contacted directly.

1PB added storage

We recently added an additional petabyte of storage, it is necessary to move all files to the new storage to benefit from improved performance.