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Moving from CentOS 7 to Rocky 9 for Python users

The Apocrita cluster has been upgraded from CentOS 7 to Rocky 9 recently. There are some important things Python users need to know, such as how to migrate your existing environments to Rocky 9, as well as how to tackle some common problems during the process.

This is a one-way operation

You should only follow the steps below once you are absolutely sure you are moving your work to Rocky 9 and not going back to CentOS 7 (which is something you should now be actively doing). Be sure to backup any important environments as detailed below.

CentOS 7 steps

Remove packages in ${HOME}/.local/lib

The ITSR team get a lot of tickets from users encountering issues with both Python and Conda with errors such as:

  File "/data/home/abc123/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 38, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.framework import meta_graph
  File "/data/home/abc123/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/", line 18, in <module>
    from packaging import version as packaging_version  # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'

You'll notice there that the path commences with a user's home directory (${HOME}). These packages are "orphaned" and have been installed incorrectly due to there not being a correctly activated Python virtualenv or Conda environment at the time the packages were installed. pip install commands will fallback to the --user location of ${HOME}/.local/lib in such cases, which in the context of Apocrita causes a huge number of issues.

Now is a good time to clear these out using the following command:

rm -rf ${HOME}/.local/lib/python*

This will remove any directories for any Python version under ${HOME}/.local/lib, and this directory should always remain free of any directories named python* (like python3.10, python3.12 etc.) Before raising a ticket in future, make sure this directory doesn't have any of those first.

Be sure your Conda environment is fully activated

Python packages will often end up in ${HOME}/.local/lib if you create and activate a Conda environment and then immediately run a pip install command, e.g.:

module load miniforge
mamba create -n myenv
mamba activate myenv
pip install <package>

This is because Conda doesn't know the location of the Python binary for the environment correctly. To avoid this, either specify a version of Python during environment creation:

module load miniforge
mamba create -n myenv python=3.12
mamba activate myenv
pip install <package>

Or, make sure you run a mamba install command before any subsequent pip install commands:

module load miniforge
mamba create -n myenv
mamba activate myenv
mamba install pip
pip install <package>

It's best to avoid mixing mamba install and pip install wherever possible, and try to use mamba install exclusively in Conda environments and pip install exclusively in virtualenvs. However, we understand that sometimes not everything you need is packaged in Conda and you have to install certain packages from PyPi. In such cases, tread carefully.

Back up current environments

You should use freshly-created Python virtualenvs and Conda environments on Rocky 9 wherever possible, but there are ways to back environments up on CentOS 7 first for re-creation on Rocky 9 later. You should only do this if you require as close a replica of an environment as possible, i.e. with pinned package versions etc. Most users should install fresh, updated and un-pinned versions of any packages required according to their official installation instructions.

Back up Python virtualenvs

You can use the pip freeze command to take a snapshot of any Python virtualenv and redirect this to a requirements.txt file. To do this, use a CentOS 7 interactive qlogin session:

qlogin -l centos
source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate
pip freeze > requirements.txt

If you have multiple Python environments to migrate, then use a memorable name for each one (myenv1.txt, myenv2.txt etc.) and repeat the process above for each one. Once you have backed them all up you can re-create them on a Rocky 9 node later on.

Back up Conda environments

Use Mamba

Remember to use mamba in place of all conda commands as it is markedly faster. See this blog post for more information.

You can export Conda environments to a YML file that can then be used to re-create them later. To do this, again, use a CentOS 7 interactive qlogin session:

qlogin -l centos
module load anaconda3
mamba activate myenv
mamba env export > environment.yml

Replace myenv with the name of your Conda environment, and if you are migrating multiple environments, then use a memorable name for each one (myenv1.yml, myenv2.yml etc.) and repeat the process above for each one. Once you have backed them all up you can re-create them on a Rocky 9 node later on.

Clear caches

Clear Python cache

You should clean your PyPi cache entirely before moving to Rocky 9, as any previously cached packages will have been written to disk whilst you were using CentOS 7 and will cause issues with regards to operating system libraries if you try to re-use them on Rocky 9. To clear them, use a CentOS 7 node qlogin:

$ qlogin -l centos
$ module load python
$ pip cache purge
Files removed: 435

Note, this may take some time depending on the number of cached files you have.

Clear Conda cache

You should totally clear your Conda pkgs directory before moving to Rocky 9 so that it is re-created afresh and then a cache that is compatible with Rocky 9 is created going forward. Any previously cached packages will have been written to disk whilst you were using CentOS 7 and will cause issues with regards to operating system libraries if you try to re-use them on Rocky 9.

By default, this package cache is stored in:


Use the correct location

If you have a modified ${HOME}/.condarc file then this path may be elsewhere, such as your scratch directory. If so, adjust the instructions below as necessary.

To remove your pkgs cache, use a CentOS 7 qlogin session:

$ qlogin -l centos
$ module load anaconda3
$ rm -rf ${HOME}/.conda/pkgs
$ mamba clean -a
There are no unused tarball(s) to remove.
There are no index cache(s) to remove.
There are no unused package(s) to remove.
There are no tempfile(s) to remove.
There are no logfile(s) to remove.

Note, this may take some time depending on the number of cached files you have.

Rocky 9 steps

Anaconda and Miniconda are no longer available

On CentOS 7, there were modules for anaconda3 and miniconda available. Due to licensing issues, these have been removed, and all Conda users need to use the miniforge module instead. See our documentation for more detailed information.

Don't use the defaults channel, use nodefaults ONLY

Previous documentation may have led you to use the defaults channel in your ~/.condarc file. This is actively discouraged in the official Mamba documentation (see here for more information about Mamba and why we recommend all users use it). Instead, you should only use nodefaults, which will disable the defaults channel and use only the conda-forge channel.

Your ~/.condarc file should look like this:

  - nodefaults
ssl_verify: true
## Optional - store Conda environments in an alternative location
  - /data/scratch/abc123/anaconda/envs
  - /data/scratch/abc123/anaconda/pkgs

Please do not define any additional channels, or extra configuration like:

channel_priority: flexible
auto_activate_base: false

This is highly likely to lead to package installation failures. If your package requires additional channels to install, please define them using the -c flag during installation in the order you want to use them, e.g.:

mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge cellrank

Re-creating environments on Rocky 9

Not all environments can be easily re-created

Whilst some environments will be easily re-created on Rocky 9, not all of them will. If you experience issues re-creating environments as detailed below, please raise a ticket and we will offer more detailed support.

Re-creating Python virtualenvs

Presuming you have correctly backed up your virtualenvs, then you can restore them in a Rocky 9 qlogin:

module load python
virtualenv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You may want to load a specific Python version module rather than the default, in which case use module load python/<version> (e.g. module load python/3.12) instead of just module load python.

Repeat the process if you have multiple virtualenvs frozen to requirements.txt files.

Re-creating Conda environments

Check for the defaults channel

Please review any environment.yml files and check if the defaults channel is defined in the channels: section; if it is, replace it with nodefaults before proceeding with the instructions below (as per the information above).

Presuming you have correctly backed up your Conda environments, then you can re-create them in a Rocky 9 qlogin:

module load miniforge
mamba env create -f environment.yml

Repeat the process if you have multiple virtualenvs exported to environment.yml files.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm seeing Conda errors about cache files being modified by another program

If you see errors such as:

warning  libmamba Cache file "/data/home/abc123/.conda/pkgs/cache/d4808d92.json" was modified by another program
nodefaults/linux-64 (check zst)                     Checked  0.4s


Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: \
SafetyError: The package for r-base located at /data/home/abc123/.conda/pkgs/r-base-4.4.2-hc737e89_2
appears to be corrupted. The path 'lib/R/doc/html/packages.html'
has an incorrect size.
  reported size: 3423 bytes
  actual size: 61857 bytes

ClobberError: The package 'conda-forge/noarch::sysroot_linux-64-2.17-h0157908_18' cannot be installed due to a
path collision for 'x86_64-conda-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib'.
This path already exists in the target prefix, and it won't be removed
by an uninstall action in this transaction. The path is one that conda
doesn't recognize. It may have been created by another package manager.

You need to make sure you have cleared you Conda cache as detailed above.

My Conda installs keep failing with "perhaps a missing channel"

Please check your ~/.condarc file is correct as detailed above.

My Conda installs keep failing with "error libmamba Could not open lockfile"

Please check your ~/.condarc file is correct as detailed above.

My job failed with "ERROR: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'python/3.10'"

There is no module for Python 3.10 on Rocky 9 nodes. You'll either need to use an available version (running module avail python on a Rocky 9 node will list all available versions), or if you really need Python 3.10, you'll need to create a Conda environment specifying python=3.10 at the time of creation.

My job failed with "python: /lib64/ version GLIBC_2.34' not found"

Once you have re-created your environments on a Rocky 9 node, they will expect the newer version of GLIBC on Rocky 9 (2.34) to be present. If you receive an error message like version GLIBC_2.34' not found, make sure you are working on a Rocky 9 node and not a CentOS 7 one (where GLIBC is 2.17).