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Modules Update December 2021

Since the last module update in December 2019, we have:

  • added/moved 48 modules to production
  • added 20 modules to the development environment
  • deprecated 12 modules
  • deleted 4 modules

The following 48 module files have been added or moved to production:

Application Name Application Version Arch Set as Default?
abaqus 2020 x86_64 yes
ansys 2019R3 x86_64 no
ansys 2021R2 x86_64 yes
bcftools 1.13 x86_64 yes
blast+ 2.11.0 x86_64 no
cellranger 5.0.1 x86_64 no
cellranger 6.0.1 x86_64 no
cellranger 6.0.2 x86_64 yes
cellranger-arc 2.0.0 x86_64 yes
cellranger-atac 2.0.0 x86_64 yes
cst_studio 2019 x86_64 yes
cuda 11.0.3 x86_64 no
cuda 11.2.2 x86_64 no
cudnn 8.0-cuda11 x86_64 no
cudnn 8.1.1-cuda11 x86_64 no
cudnn 8.1.1-cuda11.2 x86_64 no
fgsl 1.3.0 x86_64 yes
flye 2.8.3 x86_64 no
ga 5.7.0 x86_64 yes
gatk x86_64 yes
gdb 11.1 x86_64 yes
git 2.34.1 x86_64 yes
jags 4.3.0 x86_64 yes
java 17.0.0 x86_64 yes
julia 1.6.0 x86_64 yes
kraken 2.1.1 x86_64 no
lapack 3.9.0 x86_64 yes
mafft 7.480 x86_64 yes
maple 2020 x86_64 no
maple 2021 x86_64 yes
mathematica 12.2.0 x86_64 no
mathematica 12.3.1 x86_64 yes
matlab 2021a x86_64 yes
nextflow 20.10.0 x86_64 yes
nvidia-hpc-sdk 21.3 x86_64 yes
openfoam 2106 x86_64 yes
phyx 1.1 x86_64 yes
qiime2 2021.11 x86_64 yes
R 4.1.1 x86_64 yes
raxml-ng 0.9.0 x86_64 yes
spaceranger 1.2.1 x86_64 no
spaceranger 1.3.1 x86_64 yes
sratools 2.10.8 x86_64 yes
star 2.7.9a x86_64 yes
starccm 2020.1.1-R8 x86_64 no
starccm 2021.2.1-R8 x86_64 yes
vasp 6.1.1_vaspsol x86_64 no
vulkan-sdk x86_64 yes

The following 20 module files have been added to the development environment:

Application Name Application Version Arch
anaconda3 2021.11 x86_64
bats 1.3.0 x86_64
bcl2fastq2 2.20.0 x86_64
cst_studio 2021 x86_64
cuda 11.3.1 x86_64
fsl 6.0.4 x86_64
gcc 11.2.0 x86_64
gsutil 5.4 x86_64
kraken 2.1.2 x86_64
latex 3.14 x86_64
mono 6.12.0 x86_64
mplus 8.7 x86_64
openbugs 3.2.3 x86_64
openfoam 8 x86_64
paraview 5.9.1 x86_64
pigz 2.6 x86_64
qupath 0.2.3 x86_64
sqlite 3.36.0 x86_64
vtst 6.1.1 x86_64
zstd 1.5.0 x86_64

The following 12 module files have been deprecated:

Application Name Application Version Arch
cellranger 2.2.0 x86_64
cellranger 3.0.2 x86_64
cellranger 3.1.0 x86_64
cellranger 4.0.0 x86_64
cellranger 5.0.0 x86_64
gdb 7.12 x86_64
git 2.25.0 x86_64
git 2.26.2 x86_64
gurobi 9.1.2 x86_64
julia 0.5.2 x86_64
paraview 5.3.0 x86_64
seqlinkage 1.1.0 x86_64

The following 4 module files have been deleted:

Application Name Application Version Arch
git 2.12.0 x86_64
git 2.19.0 x86_64
nvidia-hpc-sdk 20.7 x86_64
singularity all x86_64