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Modules Update December 2019

Since the last module update in August, we have added 22 modules to dev, added 22 modules to production and removed 4 modules.

The following module files have been updated:

Application Name Application Version Arch Status Set as Default?
ant 1.10.6 x86_64 moved from dev to production yes
autoconf-archive 2019.01.06 x86_64 added to production N/A
bamqc 4b3d20f x86_64 added to dev N/A
bismark 0.22.1 x86_64 added to production yes
castep 19.1-intel x86_64 added to dev N/A
caviar 2.2.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
cellranger 3.1.0 x86_64 added to production yes
cmake 3.16.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
cp2k 6.1.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
cuda 10.1.243 x86_64 added to dev N/A
cudnn 7.6-cuda-10.1 x86_64 added to dev N/A
drop-seq 2.3.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
fastqc 0.11.8 x86_64 moved from production to deprecated N/A
fgsl 1.3.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
flye 2.6 x86_64 added to production yes
freebayes 1.3.1 x86_64 added to dev N/A
gatk x86_64 added to dev N/A
go 1.13.1 x86_64 added to production yes
go 1.13.4 pcc64le added to dev N/A
gsl 2.4 x86_64 modified N/A
hyphy 2.5.1 x86_64 added to dev N/A
jellyfish 1.1.12 x86_64 added to production no
kraken 1.1.1 x86_64 added to production yes
ldhelmet 1.10 x86_64 added to production yes
libfabric 1.9.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
mutscan 1.14.0 x86_64 added to dev N/A
nagfor 6.2-6227 x86_64 removed from production N/A
nagfor 6.2-6243 x86_64 added to production yes
naglib fll6i26d9l x86_64 added to dev N/A
naglib fll6i26dfl x86_64 added to dev N/A
nextflow 19.04.1 x86_64 moved from dev to production yes
pandoc 1.19 x86_64 added to production yes
pgi 18.10 x86_64 moved from production to deprecated N/A
pgi 19.10 x86_64 added to production yes
R 3.6.1 x86_64 added to production yes
relion 3.1b x86_64 added to dev N/A
relion 3.1b-gpu x86_64 added to dev N/A
rsem 1.3.1 x86_64 added to production yes
sbcl 1.5.4 x86_64 moved from dev to production yes
singularity 3.5.1 x86_64 added to dev N/A
slim 3.3 x86_64 added to dev N/A
sqlite 3.29.0 x86_64 moved from dev to production yes
stacks 2.41 x86_64 moved from dev to production yes
starccm 2019.1.1-R8 x86_64 added to production no
supernova 2.1.1 x86_64 added to production yes
sweed 3.3.2 x86_64 moved from production to deprecated N/A
vcftools 0.1.16 x86_64 added to dev N/A
wtdbg2 2.5 x86_64 added to production yes
zstd 1.4.3 x86_64 added to production yes